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Lets talk about your Dry Eyes

Do your eyes feel sandy or gritty ?

Do they burn in the wind or when the heat or air conditioning fan is on in the car?

Do you have trouble reading or doing computer work for more than an hour at a time?

Do you eyes tear up when you are trying to concentrate on a visual task?

If you have these or other symptoms, such as itching, blurred vision or discomfort, then you may have dry eyes.

These symptoms can be reduced by using artificial tears, warm compresses, prescription eye drops , ointments or taking frequent rest breaks from intense visual tasks.

Depending on the cause there are many options to relieve your symptoms.

These symptoms can have different causes in different people, so for the best result you should have a thorough eye exam and medical history. Systemic medications and allergies can also cause symptoms of eye irritation . Call us to schedule an evaluation by the Harvard trained physician and eye surgeon, Dr Gross at 410-644-7544.

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